Jive-O-Matic – Skipped And Stripped

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Album Review by EDF

JIVE-O-MATIC are a funky / pop four piece group from the States who have decided to do things differently for their first release. Instead of showing what the group are capable of, they have concentrated on the songs. For that, the lead vocalist / guitarist is all you hear on this EP.

FUNKY ONE could be the sort of song Jimi Hendrix never got a chance to write. When the funky WE SHALL BE FORGIVEN flies out from your speakers, you wonder if the rest of the group are as good as this solo performance. The soulful GARDEN OF FOOLS is something that would fit in to STEVIE WONDER’s output from the 1970’s. JIVE-O-MATIC are a group who should have no trouble finding themselves a fan base.

5 stars